Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How I keep my tan year round WITHOUT a tanning bed!!

Ok everyone here it is!  My blog about how I personally stay tan year round with out a tanning bed!  I am very excited about this one actually.  Just last year I was tanning in a bed to keep up with my darker skin color.  I, like everyone else don't like to be white.  I do have an easier time getting tan than most just because I am part spanish. (thanks mom!)  So I normally don't have to tan a lot to get dark!  But even so I know you can get prewrinkles, skin cancer and such.  So I found that it's not worth it anymore.  
I started to try to find cheaper ways of keeping my tan up without being in a bed!  A mystic tan is great, but really $27.00 for one tan PLUS it only lasts a week!  So I decided that wasn't it for me.  I bought a Victoria Secret tanning lotion.  I did not like it!  It made me tan but the color ran onto my clothes when I would workout!  I hated that!!  
So I did more research on the best lotion out there!  I found a lot of people raving about this stuff called Flawless Fake & Bake!  You can buy this at Ulta or Amazon.  I personally bought mine at Amazon because it was $13 and some shipping fees, compared to Ulta where it was $22 or so
In the box you get the spray bottle, a brown mitt, and gloves.  Which I think the mitt is the best way to apply this stuff!


1. Take a shower and EXFOLIATE!  This step is so very important, because you if don't exfoliate, you'll have dead skin and your tan will be uneven

2. Dry with a towel and apply NO lotion afterwards.  Also very important, applying lotion will actually put a barrier between your skin and the self tanner. So you actually won't get a tan

3. Put a towel on the ground.  You don't want to get your self tanner everywhere

4. I apply to my arms first.  Spray directly to your skin and then rub in with the mitt

5. Apply neck and chest.  Make sure when you apply you don't miss any parts of your body.  Neck and behind ears is very important. 

6. Apply rest of your body.  Face is last.

7. When applying to the face I spray the mitt directly and dab onto my face and then rub in.  This part can get tricky but it's easier than you think.

This stuff drys amazingly fast and doesn't come off on in your clothes!  Wait 6 hours to shower again.  I normally do this at night, sleep and then wake up and shower it off.  It has never came off in my bed.  
My friend Danae has not tanned in a bed since her wedding!!  So I decided she should try it since she is a little whiter!  Here are her results!!



This was only with one layer! If she wanted more color we could have done even more.  But also remember this was right after the tan.  It will get darker the more the day goes on!!

My other friend Rachel tried it too!  Here are her results!



Hope you guys enjoyed my Blog today!!



  1. Sweet! Thanks for sharing. Sunless tanners aren't fun to test- so its great you're sharing your secret to beautiful bronzed skin. I've enjoyed reading your posts. I added you to my blog reader.:)

  2. Great step by step instructions!!!! and LOVE the before and after pics of Danae :) I can't wait to get some!!!


  3. Thank you guys! I am so glad it helped and so thankful Danae was willing to help out! :) Thanks Rachel for adding me to your blog reading!! Makes me so happy that people enjoy my blogs!

  4. Nice! The color looks great on her! I like to have color too, especially in the spring and summer months. I'm totally trying this out! How many applications does one bottle have?

  5. Oh my gosh I have no idea! haha I have used it probably 15 times and still have about more than half the bottle left! A Little goes a long way with this stuff!

  6. Do you still use this product? How does it smell?
