Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Start Of Our Garden!

Lately I have been trying to be as organic as I possibly can, like ordering chickens, buying organics and now a GARDEN.  I knew this was something we were going to do as a family.  I just didn't even know where to start honestly!  When I was younger we always had a garden. But I never remember starting it. All I remember is weeding (which is a chore I hated). But I always loved the fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. So for Easter my mom got the kids all the things we would need to start a garden!  I was amazed at how easy it actually is!  We got two pans that had little Peat Pellets (which is little circles of dirt).  All you do is pour 5 1/2 cups of warm water into the pan and then all the dirt puffs up.  We then just put the different seeds in each dirt pellet.  Austin was so excited when we did this!  He poured all the water into the pan!  I thought this was such a fun experience for him!  He was so into it.  

We then put them downstairs in Ethan's "office" and put them into direct sunlight! The directions said to keep the cover on until they sprout then you can halfway open them.

This is what is looks like when the covers are off.

We also got these little things called "Hot House".  Which I thought was super cool!  It comes with a little packet of seeds and two packets of dirt.  All we had to do is pour the dirt in the bottom and put 2/3 cup of water in it, then the seeds!  This was super easy and really fun!  Vays even joined in on this one too! We put this one in the window right above our sink so we can see it everyday! The plants in the pink and yellow containers are Strawberries and Daisies.  We have a little garden in our window!

Now the hard thing for me is to remember to water the plants!   I am a very forgetful person and so I think that putting some of the plants in my plain sight everyday will help me remember to water them when they look dry.  I will then remember that I have plants downstairs as well!  We are very excited for our garden!  If anyone has great garden tips for me I would LOVE to hear them!  Thanks for reading!!


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